Monday, November 22, 2010

Walk Like an Egyptian

You see those mountains there across the Red Sea? Yeah, that's Saudi Arabia.

A few of us "woke up" to watch the sun rise.

Jerk stole my spot. I let him jump on the chair to cuddle with me but he pushed me off and then refused to let me push him off.

In the distance there, one of our lovely Bedouin hostel workers enjoying his early morning tea.

The Egyptian mountains.

Who doesn't love snorkeling under the hot sun in November.

We are all just a little tired here. And just a little cold. It's about 5 in the morning and we've just hiked to the top of Mount Sinai.

We bought these rug blanket things at the bottom of the mountain in anticipation of the cold. They served us well and I think they are rather dashing.

Walking down the 3,750 Steps of Penitence, hand-carved by monks. Also, please notice the awesome sweater I'm wearing; it belongs to an old shop owner at the base of the mountain and he let me borrow it.

Despite the dead look on my face, riding a camel is top ten coolest things I've ever done.

Aren't they cute?


  1. Atop a camel, you look pretty awesome. What a fun adventure. Wish I were there!

  2. If you can't bring me back a rug, I'll take a dashing blanket!
